Stars never betray us
even when they deny us
what we thought we wanted.
They shoehorn us with our birth.
They invite us to fly
amongst the oldest to touch
how we began.
I think about those five-pointed stars
we craft without pen
deserting paper.
How they come from continuity
of line.
I come from continuity of line.
But to draw our star means to unyoke
for a heartbeat, our hand from the land—
just enough time
for a thief who covets our line
to erase it.
Leslie Grollman’s work appears in Emerge Literary Journal, ballast, NiftyLit, Pidgeonholes, Psaltery & Lyre, Cordite Poetry Review, bath magg, Sweet Lit, Moist, Writing Utopia 2020 Anthology, and elsewhere. Leslie earned an MSc in Creative Writing, Poetry, with Distinction, from the University of Edinburgh in 2020 at age 70.