A Literary Magazine in Support of the Jewish Community

Back to Issue Fourteen


"Old Yarmulkes" by Marc Alan Di Martino

Old Yarmulkes

The sock-and-underwear drawer

is full of them—these intricate

knit circles, emanations

of sea and sky—folded, crumpled,

creased beyond the power

of hot iron to smoothe.

Last time I wore one      I was another man.

Marc Alan Di Martino

Marc Alan Di Martino is the author of Love Poem with Pomegranate (Ghost City Press, 2023), Still Life with City (Pski's Porch, 2022) and Unburial (Kelsay, 2019). His poems and translations appear in Bad Lilies, Autumn Sky, Rattle, and many other journals and anthologies. His translation, Day Lasts Forever: Selected Poems of Mario dell'Arco, was published by World Poetry Books in 2024. Currently a reader for Baltimore Review, he lives in Italy. You can find out more at marcalandimartino.com.



Marc Alan Di Martino